Welcome to the 100 Days Check!

This 10-minute check measures how satisfied you are with your studies. What is going well? What would you like more help with?

After completing the questionnaire, you will receive personal advice. If there are any points that require attention, you will immediately receive tips on how to tackle them and who can help you.

You are the only one who has access to your personal advice. If you wish, you can discuss the advice you are given with your study coach or mentor.

Answer the questions truthfully, otherwise your results will be flawed.

Okay, let's start Or press ENTER

What course are you taking?

Enter the name of your study programme or click on the response field and select your study programme.

The first questions are about your prior expectations of the course.

1.Does the impression you had of the course beforehand, correspond to reality?

2.What information about the course would you have liked to know earlier?

3.What was the outcome of your matching questionnaire?

The following questions relate to how the study programme meets your expectations.

6.How well does the study programme match your interests?

The study programme does not match my interests at all The study programme perfectly matches my interests

7.How well does the study programme match your knowledge and skills?

The study programme does not match my knowledge and skills at all The study programme perfectly matches my knowledge and skills

The following questions relate to how well you have been studying up to now.

10.I know how to use the various digital platforms (such as Blackboard, Teams and YOS).

11.I am satisfied with my efforts so far.

12.I am satisfied with my progress so far.

The following questions are about your study choice.

16.Would you like to talk to someone about the possibility of quitting your studies or switching?

Then schedule an appointment with a study choice advisor by filling in this form.

The following questions are about whether you feel at home in your study programme.

The following questions relate to your study coach/mentor. Your answers will not be disclosed to him or her.

21.Do you know what matters your study coach/mentor can help you with?

22.Do you know who your study coach/mentor is?

The following questions relate to your lecturers. Your answers will not be disclosed to them.

The following questions relate to your study skills.

30.If anything is unclear, I take it upon myself to look for information and answers.

36.Would you like more help in improving your study skills or in finding a good study method?

The following, final, questions relate to stress, well-being and personal circumstances.

37.How OFTEN do you feel stressed because of your studies?

38.HOW stressed are you because of your studies?

Not stressed at all Extremely stressed

39.How happy are you in general, taking your studies into account?

40.How happy are you in general, not taking your studies into account?

43.Are there any personal circumstances that impact your studies?

For example illness, functional disability, mental problems.

44.What would you have liked to have had more help with during the first months of your studies?

45.Would you like a chance to win a backpack of NHL Stenden?

Would you like us to contact you about this? We will treat your details confidentially.

You have come to the end of the 100 Days Check. You will now receive your personal advice.


You have completed the 100 Days Check. Below you will find your personal advice.


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